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Custody and home-searches for 15 patriotic whistle-blowers: the french State harassment intensifies!

On Tuesday March 12, 15 patriots were arrested across France by the Paris Gendarmerie’s research unit.

Home-searched, taken into custody for almost two days and questioned for hours, they are accused of having « reconstituted » Génération Identitaire (disbanded in 2021) via the « ARGOS » collective.

These preposterous and unfounded accusations poorly disguise yet another attempt by French minister of Interior Gérald Darmanin to intimidate the patriotic movement.

Gérald Darmanin welcomed the operation on his social networks, preferring to stage this communication campaign at the expense of taxpayers rather than take responsibility for his appalling personal record as a minister.

The goal is clear: to silence any voice opposed to that of the government, by force if necessary.

Under French law, the penalties for « reconstituting a dissolved league » are particularly severe, with up to 5 years’ imprisonment and a 75,000-euro fine.

When a government panics, it gets tough and hits its most determined opponents.

The 15 victims of this gratuitous crackdown will face a merciless legal storm.

That’s why ASLA is lending them its support. More than ever, patriots must stand together.

In view of the cumbersome nature of the proceedings, ASLA is launching a €30,000 fund to pay the legal fees of the 15 defendants.

Without you, they don’t stand a chance.

Help these 15 courageous patriotic whistleblowers by making a donation